
Allan Kornberg, GFAS

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Allan E. Kornberg, MD, MBA is a pediatrician who has practiced both primary care and emergency pediatrics. He’s served as Vice-Chair and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, and Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, at the University of Buffalo, and as Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Brown University. He co-founded a pediatrics practice in Western New York and served as the Chief of Emergency Medicine at the Children’s Hospital of Buffalo. He advocated on behalf of survivors of child abuse and sexual assault and was the co-editor of a textbook ‘Child Abuse and Neglect-a Medical Reference,’ along with writing peer review articles on
child abuse and emergency pediatrics.

Allan served as medical director with managed care organizations, provider institutions, and advocacy groups, frequently focused on population health for the underserved, in Georgia, New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. He was the Medicaid Medical Director for Rhode Island and was Chief Medical Officer and subsequently CEO for Network Health, a managed care organization that serves impoverished families in Massachusetts.

Dr. Kornberg served as the executive director for the United States for World Animal Protection, and as the executive director for Farm Sanctuary, a not-for-profit focused on providing lifetime care for abused farm animals, educating the public, advocating on behalf of better treatment for farm animals,
and in the promotion of plant-based diets.

Allan has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries since 2012 and became board chair in 2016. At the beginning of 2018, he became GFAS’ interim executive director. He also serves as the Board Chair of The Animal Defense Partnership, which provides pro bono legal and other professional services to animal charities. Allan also supports a number of animal organizations in their capacity building, and is shortly embarking on an effort in supporting plant based diets for children.

He received his B.S in Biology from MIT, M.D. from Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and M.B.A.
from the University of Rochester.